Spring Registration is now open!
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Home Ice has Warrior winter hats in stock. Get yours before they are gone!
The uniform for Warrior Academy participants will be the reversible WHC jersey worn by our fall/winter travel players. Returning players whose jerseys fit can wear their existing jerseys. Returning travel players who need a new jersey, please order a reversible jersey using the links below:
Spring Jersey Order Form for 2012-2020 Birth Years
Spring Jersey Order Form for 2011 Birth Year Only
How do you get your team on the NIHL Game of the Week? If you are interested, you need to have your team manager contact Stream Sports Midwest to inquire about available dates. When your team's manager and the opposing team manager agree; then a crew comes out to your rink and LIVE streams the game with play-by-play commentary of all the action. People anywhere in the world can watch the game LIVE online and players and families get a downloadable video link a few days after the game. Last season 41 clubs had their teams in one of the 75 games that were streamed on the NIHL Game of the Week.
Glencoe native Jack Devine, a key member of the 2024 NCAA Division 1 Championship University of Denver Men's Hockey Team, 2024 Hobie Baker Award Finalist, and 2022 NHL Draft Pick by the Florida Panthers recently visited with the Winnetka Warriors, back where it all started. Read about it here.
Starting August 1, 2024, all players in the Youth (boys), Girls, High School and Junior age categories are required to properly wear a neck laceration protector that is designed for that purpose, and all game officials under the age of 18 are required to wear a neck laceration protector as well. See WHC's Required Equipment Page.
The USA Hockey Congress today approved legislation requiring the use of neck laceration protection for players in all age classifications, other than adults, in games and practices, as well as for on-ice officials under the age of 18, effective August 1, 2024.Read full article here
Words of Wisdom from Dan Bauer a free-lance writer, retired teacher and hockey coach in Wausau, WI. It is official, all youth athletics have crossed over into the twilight zone. They are all too organized, travel too much, too expensive and too time-consuming. We place too much emphasis on keeping score and winning and too little emphasis on having fun. As another hockey season descends upon us, I have some simple advice for parents to help make your hockey experience more valuable to your youngster and more enjoyable for you. Read the full article on the website or click below
The best young hockey players seldom grow up to be the best adult hockey players, nor were the vast majority of the world’s top NHL players at the very top of their youth age groups growing up. Read the full article here