Codes of Conduct

Winnetka Hockey Club Codes of Conduct Statement of Policy

The Winnetka Hockey Club ("WHC") established codes of conduct (“COCs”) for its players, parents and coaches to provide for and ensure an enjoyable, safe and productive atmosphere and experience for all.

The WHC encourages enjoyment of the game of ice hockey, but at the same time it strives to ensure individual player development, discipline, teamwork, and respect for the game and its rules, teammates, coaches, opposing players, volunteers, fans, and referees, both on and off the ice. As our players, coaches and parents represent the WHC on and off the ice, the WHC expects everyone involved with WHC to conduct themselves appropriately and consistent with our COCs.

The WHC believes that its COCs and other policies will contribute to a safer and more enjoyable experience for all. All coaches, players and parents are expected to be familiar with the COCs, and Travel players, parents, and coaches must additionally be familiar with the WHC Travel Policies. 

The WHC asks that its players, parents, and coaches report in writing any alleged violations of the COCs to a member of the WHC’s Rules and Ethics Committee, which the WHC has established to investigate such violations and determine and implement any sanctions. Upon receiving a reported violation, the Rules and Ethics Committee will promptly investigate such violation, hold a hearing if appropriate, and determine and implement any sanction for such violation.

WHC Codes of Conduct and Travel Policies will be enforced throughout the season. All USA Hockey and AAU rules and regulations, as well as those applicable to AHAI, CUHL, and CSDHL, will also be adhered to.

Player Code of Conduct

Updated July 2024

The following Code of Conduct applies to all WHC players. More team-specific rules may be given to and/or enforced upon players at coaches’ discretion.

  1. I will respect my parents, teammates, coaches, and opponents, the officials (referees) and rink supervisors, and all spectators. 
  2. I will not bully my teammates or opponents. 
  3. I will be coachable. I will look my coaches in the eye and listen to what they have to say. I know I can improve and I want to improve so I can have more success on the ice. 
  4. I will not be afraid to make mistakes! Mistakes are a part of learning and developing. 
  5. I will work hard in school.
  6. I will not use social media to intimidate my teammates, opponents, or others. 
  7. I will not curse or use profanity at the rink. I will choose to broaden my vocabulary to express how I'm feeling. 
  8. I will have fun and give my best effort at every practice and in games.
  9. I will ask questions and never make fun of teammates who ask questions. I realize knowledge is a power!
  10. Through hard work, I will push myself and my teammates out of our comfort zones. 
  11. I will do extra work, on and off the ice, to get ahead of my opponents.
  12. I will support teammates who aren't playing their best. And I will take ownership of my mistakes instead of pointing fingers.
  13. I acknowledge that playing hockey for WHC is a privilege, not a right.
  14. I play for the logo on the front of the jersey, not just the name or number on the back, and I acknowledge that I am a representative of WHC both on and off the ice, both in the rink and outside. 
  15. We will be the hardest working team in Illinois!

Parent Code of Conduct

Updated July 2024

As a parent of a WHC player, I agree to the following:

  1. I agree to conduct myself in a manner which exemplifies good sportsmanship and fair play, and I will never use abusive behavior toward anyone involved in youth hockey.
  2. I will encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches, officials, fans and volunteers at every practice, game, or team or WHC event or activity.
  3. I will not create a public display of anger toward coaches, players, parents, spectators, officials, volunteers (including WHC volunteers) at a practice, game, or team event or WHC activity or by email, text or phone call. I will express my concerns through proper channels in an appropriate and respectful manner. 
  4. I will remember that my child/children are looking to me for guidance.
  5. I will respect the integrity and judgment of the coaches, officials, WHC personnel and Board Members and will not be verbally abusive toward them or anyone else.
  6. I will ensure that my player attends all practices and games on time.
  7. I will contact the team manager, coach, Board Liaison, WHC Hockey Director, Assistant Hockey Director, or WHC Travel Director if a problem or concern exists on my player’s team.
  8. I understand if my child violates the player Code of Conduct, they will be subject to the sanctions set forth in the Travel Players Policy whether my child plays Travel or House League.
  9. I resolve to conduct myself as a responsible parent and mature adult even under the most trying of circumstances.
  10. I will remember that each game is for our CHILDREN. Win or lose, it is step forward in life for our young athletes.
  11. I agree to pay my account promptly/on time according to the terms I have chosen.

Coach Code of Conduct

Updated July 2024

The following Code of Conduct applies to all WHC coaches.

  1. Coaches will encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches, fans, volunteers, and officials and conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times.
  2. Coaches will treat players, parents, fans, officials, other coaches, opponents and facilities with respect.
  3. Coaches will refrain from using inappropriate language around players.
  4. Coaches will be responsible for the conduct of their players, both on and off the ice.
  5. Coaches will maintain strict discipline in the locker room before and after practice and games.
  6. Coaches will not physically or verbally abuse any player.

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