Rules & Ethics

Rules & Ethics Procedures

The Winnetka Hockey Club takes rules and ethics complaints seriously and manages them thoughtfully through our established Rules & Ethics Committee. If you have a rules or ethics issue you would like to be reviewed by this committee, please follow the process outlined below.

  1. Send an email to the Rules & Ethics Committee at Any email sent to the Rules & Ethics Committee will then be reviewed by the committee members. **Note:  Any rules and/or ethics issue or complaint that is verbally reported to any WHC Board member or Rules & Ethics Committee member must also be reported in writing to the designated email address so the issue may be addressed and responded to appropriately. **
  2. Once the formal complaint is received by the Rules & Ethics Committee, an initial review will be conducted with the needed individuals.
  3. Details and next steps will then be proposed by the Rules & Ethics Committee to the Winnetka Hockey Club President and, if appropriate, the Winnetka Hockey Director.
  4. The Rules & Ethics Committee will move the process forward through fact-finding as necessary (e.g., talking to coaches, parents, etc.), in consultation with the WHC President and, if appropriate, the Hockey Director.
  5. A summary of findings and a proposed recommendation from the Rules & Ethics Committee will be created and reviewed by the WHC President.
  6. Once the recommendation is agreed upon, the next steps will be implemented by the Rules & Ethics Committee.

The current members of the Winnetka Hockey Club Rules & Ethics Committee are WHC Board Members Betsy Harootyan and Joanne Wallace.

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