Learn to Play Hockey: Spring Weekend Warriors registration is now open!
Spring Hockey LTP - Weekend Warriors
This is a Winnetka Park District Program offered in conjunction with the Winnetka Hockey Club. Work with Winnetka Warrior coaches. This program teaches hockey skills from learning how to hold the hockey stick, all the way to stick-handling and shooting skills. This program is a pathway to the Winnetka Warriors house league and travel programs.
For more information please call the ice arena 847-501-2060
Meeting Details: Sundays, 04/07/2024 -05/19/2024
Time: 9:30 am - 10:15 am
No Classes week of April 29-May 3.
PREREQUISITE: Anyone of the following; Tots, Pre-Alpha, Junior Hockey 1, 2 , Hockey 1, 2, 3 or Instructor Recommendation.
REQUIRED EQUIPMENT: Required Equipment: Hockey Helmet with Full Cage, Hockey Gloves, Hockey Elbow pads and shin guards, hockey skates. (Rentals are Available)